
Showing posts from November, 2020

Jaeda's First Blog

Today, in Ms. Nakada’s 6th period English class, we started off with a Pep talk in NaNoWriMo by Jason Reynolds. Then, she told us what our challenge was to do during our break, it was to just finish our NaNoWriMo on time and to have a plan to be able to finish. After, she gave us a 20 min timer to write out some of our NaNoWriMo essays. When the timer went off, she asked us all what percent we were at for our essay. Then, she let us go for the day. 

Daniel's First Blog

  Today we logged on to Nanowrimo. Then, we were going to do the blog but I lost it. After, we did the quote of the week. "This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and type one word after another. It's that easy and that hard" Neil Gaiman. After that, we did question of the week. What did I want more than anything else? I wanted a second Koe no Katachi movie. Then, we did song of the week. It was called Talkin 'bout Revolution by Tracy L. Chapman. Finally, we went back to doing our NaNoWriMo.

Kevin's First Blog

  Today I picked to do the blog. we went over a quote from Neil Gaiman and how the author writes on how easy and hard it is, meaning it's paradoxs. We then went over the question of the week which was, What do you want more than anything else? I wrote that I want to have a good journey in life and to never give up. We also listen to the song "talkin bout revolution" by Tracey Chapman. After that we got 30 minutes to write our stories in Na No Wri mo.