
Showing posts from March, 2021

Monday's Class Blog

On Monday for fourth period, it was another sunny, spring in Los Angeles. Ms. Nakada opened the Jamboard and we discussed the  quote of the week: “We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back” by Malala Yousafzai. The question of the week was “How do gender expectations create systems of both privilege and oppression?” We worked on our essays. Ms. Nakada looked a little tired today. W e talked about our question of the week.  The song of the week was “Respect” by Aretha Franklin. Next, we read for literature circles and planned for spring break. We started IABs. 

Wednesday Blog (March 17)

Bruh, no one did the blog again.  First,  we went to the Jamboard. W e discussed the quote of the week by Alice Walker. We also discussed the Question of the Week: "What does gender equity look like in our schools?" and  we questioned gender equity.  After discussing the Question of the Week, Ms. Nakada played the Song of the Week, "Luka" by Suzanne Vega, and we talked about our favorite lyrics of the song. After that, w e all did the first part of the second part of our draft s for our  I.O. &.B.A.  essays due on Friday.

Sophia's Second Blog

Today, we went over Jaeda’s blog and made corrections. Then, we went over the quote, question, and song of the week. The quote of the week was by Michelle Obama, and the song of the week was by  Chimamanda Ngozi Adechie and Beyonce. We then also talked about literature circles and worked on our Inside Out and Back Again prompt and draft.We answered three questions and Ms. Nakada Let us go.

Jaeda's Second Blog

Today, in Ms. Nakada’s class we read Kymiya’s blog and made some corrections to it. Then, we went to the Jamboard and Ms. Nakada read paragraphs about refugees and compared some of the characters or situations from the Inside Out and Back Again to refugees. Next, we read Inside Out and Back Again and went into break-out rooms. After that, we finished the Inside Out and Back Again book. In the end, we took the Week 8 Quiz, and after that she let us go.

Kymiya's Second Blog

Today in class, we had read the blog and did corrections. Ms. Nakada had given us the link to the Jamboard. We read the quote of the week by Krish O’Mara Vignarajah. Then, we had answer the question of the week. After that, we listened to the song of the week named “Immigrants: We Get the Job Done.” After listening to the song of the week, Seena & Josie read a page from Inside Out And Back Out . Ms. Nakada had put us in a break out room to read. After that, we shared our three word summaries. Ms. Nakada explained part 3&4 collage. After that, she let us go.

Ms. Nakada's Blog for Friday

I’ll be going over what we did on Friday. As we entered class, I said hello to everyone. Afterwards, we got onto the Jamboard and read and annotated two poems by Lucille Clifton. Next, we read a couple of poems from  Inside Out and Back Again  as a class, and made three word summaries. In break out rooms, we read some more poems and made some more three word summaries. Then, we came back to class and shared them with everyone. The last thing we did in class was the quiz, and then we were free to go.