
Showing posts from October, 2020

Myren's First Blog

Today we went over Seena’s blog and did corrections on it. Then, we went over the quote of the week and the person that made the quote was named Toni Morrison. "If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."After that we talked about what the quote means. Next, we did was the question of the week and we talked about do teacher give too much work to students? Then, we did the song of the week and the name of the song "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega.  We signed up for NaNoWriMo where we will write our novels. 

Seena's First Blog

 Today in class, we talked about is Noa’s blog corrections. Then, we watched a video on calm compilation. Ms. Nakada makes sure that everyone makes an attempt to do the essay for The Outsiders . Next, Ms. Nakada goes over the NaNoWriMo Workbook. After that, she goes over the book project about any book you want. Then, we read Last Stop on Market Street and after we do a AR test on the book. Finally, the class is finished, so we can catch up.

Noa's First Blog

  Today in class Ms. Nakada started off by taking attendance. After that, we went over Kymiya’s blog and made some corrections. Then Ms. Nakada went over Revising/ Editing Essays to explain what we had to include in our The Outsiders Essays. Ms. Nakada let the rest of the kids who didn’t finish their Prompts for Essays work on that instead and once they finished, they had to work on the actual essay. She then dismissed us one by one after submitting the essay.

Kymiya's First Blog

Today in class we did our Createtober. After we did that, Ms. Farahmand talked to us about our 8th grade graduation. Then, Shelby read the blog and we did corrections. Ms. Nakada forgot to take attendance, so she started. We took our English notebooks out and wrote down the agenda. We wrote down the quote of the week: "No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark" by Warsan Shire. After writing the quote of the week we discussed it. We started to write down the question of the week: do people spend too much time on screens? Then, we listened to the song of the week: "Black Boys on Mopeds" by Sinead O'Connor. Ms. Nakada let us work on our " The Outsiders Essays." After we worked on the essays, Ms. Nakada dismissed us.

Shelby's First Blog

  As soon as we got into class Ms. Nakada was playing the song "What makes you beautiful" by One Direction. Then, she told us to work on our Createtober. Today's Createtober was "feline," and some people also showed their drawings. After, she put some people into breakout rooms, who did not finish or turn in " The Outsiders Prompts for Essays" assignment. With the rest of us she went over how to start our Outsider essays and she asked us to open the assignment to work on it. Ms. Nakada asked us to work on our Introduction paragraph and she gave us all feedback on it. Then, after that she dismissed us and we got to leave.

Reaghan's First Blog

 Before Ms. Nakada did attendance we did Createtober and Justice for George. After we wrote the agenda for today. Then, we went over the Quote of the week, Question of the week and Song of the Week. Lastly, we worked on our Student Led Conference forms and got dismissed after.

Josie's First Blog

Before Ms. Nakada did attendance we got time to do our Createtober. Ms. Nakada took attendance. We listened to a youtube video about stress and how we can reduce it. We watched a video called “My Papi Has A Motorcycle” by Isabel Quintero. We took an AR quiz, and she let us leave.

Dalay's First Blog

  In today's blog, we first worked on our Createtober drawing which was to draw a fish, dish, or a fist. Then, we read Jessica’s blog and corrected it. We also shared some of our Createtober drawings. Then, we read an article called “The Poverty Myth.” We took notes on how the article was related to The Outsiders characters. 

Jessica's First Blog

  Today Ms.Nakada took attendance and asked everyone what book we are currently reading , A couple moments after she was done the whole class listened to Sophia reading her Blog . When Sophia was done we all updated our agenda's mean while Ms.Nakada was getting ready to show the quote of the day . After we wrote the quote of the day we started writing the question of the day, Then we listened to the Song of the week after that Ms.Nakada went over The Outsiders A.R quiz. When she was done we all took the quiz and got to leave when we finished.